Maximum 20 calendar days between preferred departure dates - 'after' and 'before' parameters.

Maximum 8 nights between preferred amount of nights - 'nightsMax' and 'nightsMin' parameters.

Maximum 50 search requests per minute from 1 IP-address.

Please note that rAndBId, hotelClassId and accommodationId can be different for different resort countries.


Tour search example request:

Mandatory parameters:

countryId=1104 – id of resort country;

cityId=345 – id of departure city;

priceMin=0 – minimum value of tour price;

priceMax=120000 – maximum value of tour price;

currency=5561 – id of currency;

before=29.05.2023 – maximum preferred departure date;

after=20.05.2023 – minimum preferred departure date;

nightsMin=8 – minimum amount of nights in the hotel;

nightsMax=12 – maximum amount of nights in the hotel;

accommodationId=2 – id of accomodation;

hotelClassId=2569 – id of hotel class;

rAndBId=2424 – id of hotel pansion;

Optional parameters:

tourId=1285 – id of resort region. A list of regions is possible: tourId=14259&tourId=14385. The region of second accomodation should be put after comma: tourId=14259,14385.

hotelId=1234 – id of hotel. A list of hotels is possible: hotelId=1234&hotelId=12345;

xml=true / false – If true, the response is sent in xml format, false – json format.

formatResult= true / false – formatting of response.

rAndBBetter=true/false – allows to search/not to search for pansions better than rAndBId; false by default

hotelClassBetter=true/false – allows to search/not to search for accomodations in hotels of classes higher than hotelClassId; false by default

groupByHotel=1 -  grouping of results (1 - by hotel and nights, 2 - by hotel and minimal price, 3 - by hotel and pansion)

tourType=1 - Tour type/contents (1 - full package (accomodation+transfer+flights), 2 - accomodation+transfer, 3 - accomodation, 6 - accomodation+flights), 1 by default

locale=ru/en/lt/lv/et/bg/ua – Language of search results. ru – Russian, en – English, lt – Lithuanian, lv – Latvian, et – Estonian, bg – Bulgarian, ua – Ukrainian

birthday1=22.06.2015 – birth date of 1st child;

birthday2=12.06.2015 – birth date of 2nd child.

birthdays=12.06.2015,12.07.2017,12.03.2013 – birth dates of children (up to 4). Parameter should be used for accomodations of 3 or more chidlren.

noTicketsFrom=true – allows to search for tours without tickets from resort country; false by default

noTicketsTo=true – allows to search for tours without tickets to resort country; false by default

hotelInStop=true – allows to search for hotels in stop; false by default

recommendedFlag=true - allows to search only for hotels marked "TEZ recommends"; false by default

onlineConfirmFlag=true - allows to search only for "Instant confirmation" offers; false by default

promoFlag=true/false - allows to search for Promo offers; true by default


 Example of response with search results:

      <hotel>DELPHIN DIVA PREMIERE 5 *</hotel>
      <hotelRoomType>Standard Land View</hotelRoomType>


      <comments>Tez recommends</comments>
      <pansionComment>Ультра все включено</pansionComment>
      <spo>SPO 1046</spo>

<comment>Tez recommends</comment>
<comment>Early booking</comment>
<text>valid till 31.10</text>
<comment>Instant confirmation</comment>
<comment>TEZ Priority</comment>
<comment>TEZ Exclusive</comment>
<comment>Fixed commission</comment>
<text>9.0 %</text>
<comment>Regular flights</comment>
<promos class="list"/>


Description of search results:

<checkIn> - Check-in date

<checkInDayofWeek> - Day of week

<departureDate> - Departure date

<nightCount> - Amount of nights of accomodation

<checkOut> - Check-out date


<name> - Hotel name

<hotelUrl> - URL of hotel page in

<secondHotel> - hotel name in case of the second accomodation


<id> - id of room type

<name> - Room type name

<bookingUrl> - URL of a new booking, contains ids of parameters required for "Prepare xml booking" service

<spoUrl> - URL of detailed description

<region> - region

<resortArrivalRegionName> - arrival airport name

<comments> - special notes: early booking, TEZ recommends, instant confirmation

<pansion> - pansion

<pansionComment> - Description of pansion

<hotelStayType> - Accomodation (hotel stay) type

<ageGroupType> - Group types

<groupTypeAgeId> - id of group type

<existsRoom> - if true, free rooms are available in the hotel

<specialSell> - promo offer, if true

<arrivalRegionId> - id of arrival region

 <freeSeatNumberToC> - Business class availability for outgoing flight

<freeSeatNumberToY> - Economy class availability for outgoing flight

<freeSeatNumberToR> - Premium economy class availability for outgoing flight

<extraChargeToC> - Extra charges for business class

<extraChargeToY> - Extra charges for economy class

<extraChargeToR> - Extra charges for premium economy class

<freeSeatNumberFromC>> - Business class availability for incoming flight

<freeSeatNumberFromY>> - Economy class availability for incoming flight

<freeSeatNumberFromR>> - Premium economy class availability for incoming flight

<extraChargeFromC> - Extra charges for business class

<extraChargeFromY> - Extra charges for economy class

<extraChargeFromR> - Extra charges for premium economy class

<icon> - Icons.

<earlyBooking> - Early booking flag:
    <value> - if true, an early booking option is available for the tour
    <comment> - text comments for early booking option.
        <text> - detailed information about an early booking option.

<onlineConfirm> - Instant confirmation flag.
     <value> - If true, an instant confirmation option is available for the tour
      <comment> - text comments

<pack> - Package tour flag
     <value> - if true, the tour is a package offer.
<topPriority> - if true, the hotel is in TEZ Priority list

<exclusive> - if true, the hotel is in TEZ Exclusive list

<flexComission> - if true, a Flexible commission option is applied

<fixComission> - if true, a Fixed commission option is applied

<externalFlights> - If true, regular flights search should be performed. If false, charter flights are available

<transferTypes> - Information about transfer service
     <firstTransferTypeId> - id of transfer type to the hotel
     <lastTransferTypeId> - id of transfer type from the hotel


1. General references



      <name>U.S. Dollar</name>
      <name>Full package</name>
>  </tourTypes>


<city> - City info

<cityId> - id of the city

<name> - city name

<country> - Country info

<countryId> - id of country

<name> - country name

<currency> - Currency info

<currencyId> - id of currency

<name> - currency name

<code> - currency code

<rAndB> - Pansion info

<rAndBId> - id of pansion

<name> - pansion name

<weight> - sorting order

<rAndB> - Tour type info

<rAndBId> - id of tour type

<name> - tour type name

<haveResidence> - true, if residence service is included

<haveTransfer> - true, if transfer service is included

<haveFly> - true, if flight is included

<haveInsurance> - true, if insurance service is included

2. Search restrictions






  <settings class="list">














  <priceSettings class="list">













<settings class="list">


    <key>checkin.range.max</key> - maximum range of check-in dates

    <value>20</value> - amount of calendar days



    <key>checkout.max</key> - maximum check-out date

    <value>540</value> - amount of calendar days from the current date



    <key>nights.range.max</key> - maximum range of nights

    <value>8</value> - amount of nights



<priceSettings class="list"> - maximum price range in given currency


    <currencyId>46688</currencyId> - id of currency

    <maxValue>1500000</maxValue> - price range



<timestamp>05.09.2017</timestamp> - last update time

3. Pansions





  <rAndBs class="list">










      <rAndBId>15350</rAndBId> - id of pansion

      <name>BB</name> - pansion name

      <weight>0</weight> - Sorting order

      <group>RO</group> - pansion group name


4. Hotel classes





  <hotelClasses class="list">



      <name>3 *</name>







      <classId>2568</classId> - id of hotel class

      <name>3 *</name> - hotel class name

      <weight>2</weight> - sorting order


5. Accomodation types





  <accommodations class="list">




















      <accommodationId>1</accommodationId> - id of accomodation

      <name>SGL</name> - accomodation name

      <children>0</children> - amount of children in accomodation type

      <adult>1</adult> - amount of adults in accomodation type

      <selected>false</selected> - if true, it's the default accomodation type in the resort country
